DIY Lip Balm

If you have really dry lips, here’s the solution for you!




  1. Melt beeswax, shea butter and coconut oil in a double boiler or small glass bowl over a small pot of boiling water, stirring constantly until melted.
  2. Remove pan from heat but keep over the still-hot water to keep the mixture melted.
  3. Add essential oils to your preference. I just added peppermint in this recipe. I recommend adding a few drops at a time and testing a tiny amount on your arm to make sure the scent is to your liking.
  4. Once you’ve added the essential oils, use the pipette or a dropper to fill the lip balm tubes. This must be done quickly since the mixture will start to harden as soon as it is removed from the heat.
  5. Let tubes sit at room temperature for several hours until cooled and completely hardened before capping them.

Use an extra teaspoon or two of beeswax if you prefer a thicker and longer-lasting lip balm or slightly less if you prefer a smoother and softer lip balm. Since there are no water based ingredients, you can re-melt and add more of each ingredient during the melting process until you get the exact texture you want. When experimenting, I’ve put a few drops of the melted mixture onto a piece of parchment paper and let harden in the fridge so I could test it before putting the mixture into tubes. Have fun with it! This makes 12-14 tubes.


Super Easy Fake Snow Recipe

Hey guys do you ever want to go play in the snow but its either to cold or there is no snow? Well this easy DIY will fix that problem! This fake snow is moldable and it weirdly feels cold! Hope you enjoy!

S & K♡

Image result for karina garcia fake snow


  • Water
  • Baking Soda


  1. Pour the baking soda down on a smooth flat surface
  2. Pour a small amount of water on at a time and mix with the baking soda

Thats it!

Snow Day Activities⛄️


🌨❆⛄️Don’t you hate it when you sit by the phone, waiting for the school to call the next day off, but when the snow day comes, you have nothing to do? ⛷Here’s the solution! These great ideas will keep you busy the whole day, with indoor and outdoor activities! We hope you enjoy!❄️

  1. Watch a movie
  2. Go sledding
  3. Make an igloo out of snow (if there’s enough)
  4. DIY crafts (look on this website)
  5. Ice skating
  6. Build a giant snow man
  7. Read
  8. Bake
  9. Invite over friend and have a snowball fight
  10. Invite over friends and play a game of man hunt
  11. Make a photo album of you and your friends in the snow
  12. Play a fun board/card game
  13. Google your name and see what pops up
  14. Take a relaxing bubble bath with a bath bomb (tutorial in crafts section of this website)
  15. Play xbox or wii
  16. Organize your desk/room
  17. Do yoga
  18. Catch snowflakes on black paper
  19. Make hot cocoa and chill by the fire
  20. On DIYourself, check out our crafts and games for more things to do! Happy snow day and stay warm!
  • S & K♡

Word Search

Hey Guys! Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down and working on a word search? We promise that this puzzle will cure all hints of boredom that you ever had. Hope you enjoy!

S & K♡

P.S: If you find any words not listed in the word back be sure to comment!

R K M V F S S D N V A A R C G K K 
O K A R Q A K N B Q S O Y K L C Q 
D O R C Q N L S M R B K J D O S K 
O Z S B X Q C U A V R Y S T Y C R 
S L H D F K U G T M M T T X K W T 
S B M O B H T A B P E O G R N D M 
R T A D V X H T I R N C O T G L X 
U G L O P V W P X C Y A A I K H R 
G G L D L D B M A I B P I F F U D 
S E O S E K Z N D W D K S V Y D B 
I V W L Q N D B Q K Z J A W K F H 
R H S Q K Y Z I W U Y H Q T Y H X 
I K K I S K F O F O G O H M N F R 
B X V M F X Q Q C M O C D J W G P 
N B U G A J V R E Q V D R Z O P V 
Z A W W F K R A J H G A Q F R T Y 
Y F Y Y E B I I W X G M Y C B M P 




+ + M + + S + + + + + + + + + + + 
+ + A + + + K + + + + + + + + C + 
+ + R + + + + S + + + + + + O + + 
+ + S + + + + + A + + + + T + + + 
+ + H + + + + + + M + + T + + + + 
S B M O B H T A B + E O + + + + + 
+ + A + + + + + + + N C + + + + + 
+ + L + + + + + + C Y + A + + + + 
+ + L + + + + + A I + + + F + + + 
+ + O + + + + N D + + + + + + + + 
+ + W + + + D + + + + + + + + + + 
+ + + + + Y + + + + + + + + Y + + 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + N + + 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + W + + 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + O + + 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + R + + 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + B + + 


What Would You Do? (school edition)

  1. The toilet floods in the bathroom at school. You:

a. pretend nothing happened and quickly run out of the bathroom

b. go find a janitor but don’t tell anyone what had happened

c. laugh at yourself, saying “Oh noooo!!! The ghosts are out to get me!!!” and go find a janitor

 2. At lunch, you spill your chocolate all over your white shirt. You:

a. lock yourself in the bathroom, thinking of how stupid you are

b. quickly run to the locker room to change shirts, hoping no one noticed

c. announce to your table that your chocolate milk was getting revenge on you from when you accidentally dropped it on the floor before the incident, than go change shirts.

 3. You drop your phone because of the bump on the bus and it has a small crack. You:

a. start to cry, thinking of what your punishment will be from your mom and dad

b. don’t tell your parents and hope they don’t find out

c. apologize to your parents and get it fixed after getting a safer case for it.

 4. A boy/girl in your class that you really like asks you out, even though your parents say you are too young. You:

a. say no, and that you are not good enough for him

b. say yes, but tell him he can’t tell anyone

c. say no, but in a nice way, and that you can still be friends. Rules are Rules!

Mostly a’s:


When a mistake is made, you put your self down, and feel terrible. You need to believe that it is ok to make mistakes. And don’t forget to sometimes laugh at yourself for those funny ones ;).

Mostly b’s:


When something goes wrong, you make sure that no one notices-and thats alright. Still, remember to sometimes lay loose and enjoy your life-without it being so secretive 🙂 ! You sometimes follow rules, but also follow your heart!

Mostly c’s:


When a mistake is made, you aren’t afraid to share it with the world! You follow directions and are always cheerful. Just remember that at some times, being serious is the right thing, but don’t stop smiling! Keep it up!


Marshmallow Play-dough

Hey Guys! We LOVE making slime and putty so we decided to make some with a twist! We decided to make an edible marshmallow play-dough! We got this amazing from so go check that out! Hope you enjoy!

S & K♡


Edible Marshmallow Play Dough

  • Large Marshmallows
  • Corn Starch
  • Coconut Oil
  • Neon Food Coloring
  1. Put the marshmallows, corn starch, and coconut oil in a microwave safe bowl and microwave on high for 30 seconds.
  2. Then add the food coloring to the marshmallows or the oil. Don’t add it to the corn starch or you’ll have a harder time getting a consistent color when you mix it together.
  3. Stir it with a spoon to get all of the ingredients combined.
  4. When it gets too hard to stir with a spoon, you’ll need to use your hands to kneed it to finish the job.

NOTE: To make the play dough less sticky add more cornstarch or coconut oil and then knead the dough.

NOTE: To make the dough taste sweeter you can substitute corn starch for powdered sugar which works just as well.

To Store the dough keep it in an airtight container or ziplock bag to ensure that it doesn’t dry out.

Cotten Candy Recipe

Have you ever been to a fair, and wonder how they make such good cotton candy-then when you get home and want to make some, you realize you don’t have the machine? Well, today you’re in luck because we found out a way to make delicious cotton candy, without using a machine! We’d love to hear how your’s turns out, so feel free to comment below! Make sure to share this website with your friends, and ENJOY!

We got this awesome recipe from 



Vegetable oil spray
2 ½ cups granulated sugar
½ cup plus 2 ½ tablespoons light corn syrup
½ cup plus 1 tablespoon water
2 to 3 drops food coloring


Special equipment needed: A pair of wire cutters and an old or inexpensive whisk. Use the wire cutters to snip the round ends off the whisk so you are left with straight tines.

Wrap a heavy book in a plastic bag and wedge 2 long wooden spoons under it, so the spoon handles extend off the edge of the counter. Cover the floor below and around your work area with newspaper or a plastic sheet. Spray the spoon handles with vegetable oil spray.

Place the sugar, corn syrup and water in a medium heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium-high heat. Insert a candy thermometer and cook the sugar mixture until it reaches 320 degrees. Remove from heat and carefully pour into a medium-size microwaveable glass bowl. If you leave the sugar in the pan, the sugar will continue to cook. A glass bowl will hold the temperature of the sugar. Stir in the food coloring.

Dip whisk tines into the hot sugar. Allow sugar to drain off for 1 to 2 seconds until the draining sugar strands are separate and about the same consistency. Wave the whisk back and forth about 12 to 18 inches over the extended wooden spoons and allow the sugar strands to gently drift until they are resting on top of the spoon handles. Use broad long strokes and work quickly, repeating until you have a heap of strands you can gather with your hands and lightly form into a ball.

Place each ball in a glass or small bowl to serve (the original recipe says to gather the strands with a stick or paper cone the way it is served at a fair, but mine wouldn’t stick that way). If you need to store the cotton candy for a few hours, place it in an airtight container.

Note: The delicate sugar will melt in a humid environment.

The sugar will stay liquid enough to work with easily for about 10 minutes; after that it will start to thicken. If this happens before you are finished, pop the bowl in the microwave for a minute or until it starts bubbling and is liquid enough to work with again.

To clean up, use a heat-proof spatula and oven mitts to scrape the leftover liquid sugar out of the bowl into a cardboard box or container you are planning on throwing out. The sugar will melt right through plastic bags, so don’t pour it directly into a garbage can.

Soak all utensils, pot and bowl in hot water for a couple of hours or under warm running water to dissolve the sugar

Fudgy Browny Recipe

Hey Guys! Who doesn’t love coming home and having a sweet treat waiting for them. These brownies will definitely satisfy anyones sweet tooth! Check out where we got this tasty browny recipe! Hope you enjoy!

S & K♡


  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, plus more for dish
  • 2/3 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for dish
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 12 ounces good-quality semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
  • 1 1/4 cups packed light-brown sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Butter a 9-by-13-inch baking dish. Dust with flour, and tap out excess; set aside. Whisk together flour and salt in a small bowl; set aside.

  2. Melt chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, stirring. Let cool completely.

  3. Meanwhile, put sugar and eggs into the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Beat on high speed until pale, about 3 minutes. Reduce speed to low. Beat in chocolate mixture and the vanilla. Add flour mixture, and beat until just combined.

  4. Spread batter evenly into prepared dish. Bake until top has cracked, center is just firm to the touch, and a cake tester inserted into center comes out with moist crumbs, 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool completely in dish on a wire rack. Cut into squares.

Martha used an 8-by-8-inch baking pan, lined with parchment paper (2 sheets, each cut into a 16-by-8-inch rectangle), brushed with butter and dusted with cocoa powder.

Brownies can be stored in an airtight container up to 2 days.

Top 10 Favorite Lush Products


Hey Guys! We have recently become obsessed with Lush. Lush sells beauty products ranging from makeup and soaps to bath bombs shower jellies which all smell soooo good!. Go check out there web site here Lush Link. Hera is a list of our top 10 favorite lush products. Hope you enjoy!

S & K♡

  1. The Intergalactic Bath Bomb                    

    Ever wonder what bathing in deep space would be like? Invite the cosmos into your tub with this interstellar bomb. An awesome mix of refreshing peppermint and neon colors will send your mood rocketing, while popping candy takes you on a trip around the Milky Way. Before you leap too far, rogue layers of vetivert and cedarwood bring you back to earth. Link


  2. The Whoosh Shower Jelly                                                                                                       Looking for the drive to help you take on the world? Let Whoosh sort out your cloudy, sleepy head and give you a boost to wake you up. Our triple-citrus wobbly wash gets you squeaky clean with its invigorating and energizing blend of fresh lemon, lime and grapefruit juices. And just in case your mental faculty is really struggling, we’ve thrown in revitalizing rosemary and balancing geranium to kick-start your senses even more. What are you waiting for? Rise and shine and get in the shower—the world is yours and the day awaits!  Link                                                                                                                  03139.jpg
  3. The Comforter Bubble Bar                                                                                                           When life gets you down, crumble this best seller under hot, running water for passionately pink water and creamy, soothing bubbles. This massive slice of vibrant fruitiness will make you feel like you’re being enveloped in a warm hug and gently consoled by the friendly fruity aroma of a blackcurrant candy. Snuggle in, and stay undercover until you’re ready to face the world once again. Link     02468.jpg
  4. The Rainbow Fun Pack                                                                                                                     Our biggest Fun bar means you can see double (or triple or quadruple) rainbows without waiting for the rain to end. Turn these seven colors into anything you like, admire your handiwork and then when it’s time to clean up, lime and grapefruit oils will help cleanse skin, while fair trade vanilla soothes and softens. And to bring a little color to others, 2.5% of the sale from each bar supports projects in Japan providing safe places for kids to play following the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Link     06581.jpg
  5. The Honey Trap Lip Balm         

    Smooth on our delicious honey, white chocolate and vanilla lip balm and you’ll see why Honey Trap has captured the hearts of Lushies for years. A collection of deeply moisturizing ingredients like beeswax, fair trade shea butter, almond oil and organic wheatgerm oil work protect your pout while a gentle pepperminty tingle provides a subtle pick-me-up. Keep this one on hand for a serious dose of moisture or sweetness whenever you need it. Link                                                                04245_b.jpg

  6. The Big Shampoo                                             

    Over half the base of Big shampoo is made with sea salt to help give massive volume to hair in need of a boost. Sea salt is also full of minerals and de-greases hair, removing dead skin cells and dirt without stripping natural oils for a fresh, squeaky clean feeling. We balance the sea salt with seaweed infusion and extra virgin coconut oil for soft, nourished locks. Finally, fresh citrus juices are squeezed in for incredible shine. It’s no wonder this one’s a best-seller! Link                                          02000.jpg

  7. The Twilight Bath Bomb                                                                                                  Recreate the magic of a dreamy, starry night in your tub with our most relaxing bath bomb yet. As Twilight slowly fizzes away in the tub, its dusky pink exterior gives way to streams of purple, and finally to a deep indigo hue with delicate shimmering stars. Relaxing lavender oil and comforting tonka absolute soothe stressed bodies and minds, leaving you feeling warm, fuzzy and ready for a restful slumber. Link 03157.jpg
  8. The Rosy Cheeks Face Mask                                                                                                       Find the happiness you seek by cleansing cheek to cheek with this gorgeously soothing fresh mask. A simple blend of kaolin, calamine and Turkish rose oil delicately calms the skin and restores balance. Whether you’re feeling hot and bothered or just love showering your complexion with roses, cleansing calamine and kaolin will gently remove dirt while exquisite rose oil nourishes and tones your face. Calm, matte skin, here you come! Link                                                                                                    04411_b.jpg
  9. The Limelight Tooth Tabs

    Don’t like minty toothpaste? These beautiful yellow and green tabs pack a mighty citrus punch to get you ready for your closeup. Lemon, lime and spearmint oils freshen breath and make your mouth feel super clean, while the addition of baobab fruit powder turns toothbrushing into a fizzy, fantastical experience. For teeth that twinkle like stars, use Limelight. Link                                                             04343.jpg

  10. The Rub Rub Rub Shower Scrub                                                                                                         

    Rub-a-dub-dub, fancy a scrub? Hop in the shower with this polishing bar for a thorough full-body exfoliation, a fabulous fragrance and superbly softened skin. Sea salt gently buffs away dry skin, while a luxurious blend of illipe and cupuaçu butters swoops in to keep you feeling smooth and moisturized. That fabulous fragrance? It’s a delicate blend of jasmine, mimosa and orange that’ll keep you feeling as fresh as a spring day. Link                                                                                                                            04321.jpg